Active Nature Lydiane around the world tells us about her family weekend at the Parc du Massif du Sud and Berthier-sur-Mer
This summer, we decided to explore the Chaudière-Appalaches region, just on the other side of the river, a few kilometers from Quebec. It was a real surprise to see the wealth of activities and landscapes that this region has to offer. To give you an overview of our family adventure, here is a summary of our two favorites: the Parc du Massif du Sud and Berthier-sur-Mer.
Lydiane autour du monde • Written on August 21, 2024
Foody Nature Grilled cheese, beer and sunset!
A mouth-watering post on your Facebook feed. Sometimes that's just what it takes to say Go! In addition, when the temperature is magnificent like this evening, the marina of Berthier-sur-Mer is a safe bet to take advantage of this rare crazy summer evening in the middle of May.
Stéphane Bourque • Updated on April 19, 2024
Foody Nature A 6 to 8 at Theo BBQ, what a good idea!
For our 6 to 8, we ignored the week of the burger and we find ourselves at Theo BBQ for two hours of pure happiness!
Stéphane Bourque • Updated on March 9, 2023
Active Nature Women travelers from Quebec and the discovery of Chaudière-Appalaches with their dog
Quand on m’a suggéré de passer un week-end en amoureux pour découvrir la région de Chaudière-Appalaches et cela avec mon chien Benji, j’ai tout de suite dit un gros OUI ! Premièrement, parce que c’était mon premier week-end en amoureux depuis que nous avions agrandi la famille en accueillant notre petit garçon en juillet 2021, mais aussi parce qu’un peu de repos ne fait jamais de tort à de nouveaux parents. En plus, notre vrai premier fils, Benji, notre caniche royal débordant d’énergie, ne dit jamais non à un week-end plein air dans Chaudière-Appalaches.
Vicky Morency-Lauzon • Written on August 1, 2022