
The razorbills of the archipelago

In the Isle-aux-Grues archipelago, the spring marks the return of a bunch of small penguins named the razorbills. For this purpose, the crew of the Croisière Lachance are giving you the opportunity to discover the colony every May and June. You’ll live a memorable experience, right in the middle of the St. Lawrence River. Once on the observation site, you’ll be joined by an experienced ornithology guide that will explains you all the characteristics of this specie, as intriguing as it is beautiful.

Croisières Lachance - Berthier-sur-Mer
Croisières Lachance- Automne
Croisières Lachance - Photographie
Croisières Lachance - Berthier-sur-Mer
Croisières Lachance- Automne
Croisières Lachance - Photographie

What to know about the razorbill

Cousin of the Arctic penguin, this beautiful bird usually lives in the warm zones of the Northern Atlantic. The razorbill are not to be confused with the emperor penguins, which are living in Antarctica and, above all, doesn’t know how to fly. The razorbills build their nests in the numerous cracks and screes of the estuary. As they are excellent at fishing, the razorbill has an alimentation essentially based on fish. It’s very impressive to watch them do amazing dives to catch their preys.

Go on a cruise

Guided tours are scheduled in the beginning season at the eastern point Isle-aux-Grues archipelago, especially to observe the razorbill’s nesting zone. Whether they are perched on a rock, or they are diving in the water, they will amaze you with their look and abilities. On the site, you’ll be guided by an ornithologist. On your way back, the captain will take you to the Loups Marins’ tidelands to give you one more opportunity to take a look at these special birds.

Other types of cruises are also available to visit the Grosse-Île , the Isle-aux-Grues , the Île-au-Canot and many more. You’ll be even closer to the birds and the captain will make several stops in specific observation points to let you take memorable photographs!